Thank you for choosing A Party to Remember! We are so grateful to be working with you. Please complete the form below to confirm your booking with us!

Booking Confirmation Form

Booking confirmation is required prior to the hire of our products or use of our event services. It confirms that you have read our terms and conditions and that you agree to the supplied quote and required deposit.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Party Time - From
Party Time - To
Pickup is available between 9am -2pm or 4pm-6pm Fridays from Stoneville. Return of hire items is available Mondays between 9am - 2pm or after 6pm. Our address will be sent to you upon confirmation. We are also highly flexible and if another day/time suits please ask!
Confirm you accept the estimate provided by A Party to Remember.(Required)
Confirm deposit has been paid.(Required)
Payment details can be located on your invoice. Your deposit will be retained as security over your hire items and returned to you once hire items have been returned in accordance with our terms and conditions.
Address of where hire products will be stored if different to above
Leave this section blank if address is the same as first entry.
Address of where hire products will be used (if different from above)
Leave this section blank if address is the same.

Bank Details for Return of Bond

Alternatively this can be emailed to [email protected]


This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.